by admin June 12, 2019 0 Comments

Renovation Tips

So you’ve decided to renovate your home. Great! Now… where to start? Hiring a knowledgeable contractor to help make your vision a reality is the best way to ensure you get the results you want. Here are some tips on how to choose the right company for you.

Word of mouth is still the best kind of advertising. If you know someone who’s had renovations done recently, ask them who they worked with and what their honest opinion of the contractor was while the project was underway. This will give you a real sense of the kind of working relationship you can expect during your renovation.

Ask for a list of references. It’s always a good idea to call 2 or 3 people who have worked with your contractor previously. If they are able to provide professional references as well as past clients, so much the better.

Ask questions. If there is anything noted in your estimate or quote that is unclear, be sure to ask about it. This benefits yourself and your contractor, as it will alleviate any future miscommunication about your needs and expectations.

Be patient! Good contractors usually have a waitlist of at least 3-4 months. Don’t cut corners and choose someone who’s ready to start tomorrow. If a contractor is not busy it could be a bad sign! Good, solid work takes time, and it will be well worth the wait to have your dream project completed properly.

If you’ve got a vision in mind for your dream project but don’t know where to begin, or would like some further guidance in choosing the right tradespeople to work on your home, Flow’s design team would love to help. Contact us today at 604-674-8884 or email